Monday, October 1, 2007

Skip to the Lou

I'm back in the Lou. Actually, I got back on Friday afternoon, but then I left again for a quick road-trip near Chicago. Thanks to Tim & Jen for their 3rd Annual Octoberfest -- sorry I fell asleep. I was on my way to their 2nd Annual Octoberfest last year when I was deployed to Buffalo.

I've been told that I haven't posted in a while, but I do have a few new posts in the queue coming this week.

I want to wish a Happy 40th to Cousin Kim, today. You don't look a day over 39.

I'm looking forward to "not doing anything" for the next week, but then I'm sure I'll get restless and want to get out of town. Athough, I believe a stop at Rigazzi's for toasted ravioli and a fishbowl Michelob will need to be arranged soon.

I'm looking forward to heading down to Litte Egypt with the top off the Jeep while I still have some warm weather left. Three months in Florida, and I couldn't even enjoy my pride and joy (admittedly, I have a small love affair with my truck). Speaking of which, I'd like to give credit to my parents last night for taking a ride in my ride. My mom apparently does not do well with stick shifts, and my dad had to ride in the back seat. Although, this Jeep is a much nicer ride than my first, I can't imagine it was too comfortable for them. Of course, my dad hit his head on the roll-bar trying to crawl out. It was also an extremely windy day in central Illinois, and a box on wheels is not particularly aerodynamic. I did put the top back on before they got in.

Side note to my family: I did stop in Marion to visit with Aunt Judy on the way back on Friday. I played Bingo with her and several other ladies for about a half hour. She seemed to be doing better than the last couple times I've seen her, and she's still a spitfire to everyone around.

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