Friday, October 19, 2007

If you like my body..

You're probably not going to find this sexy. Bodyworlds 3 is opening today at the St. Louis Science Center. There has been quite a bit of controversy about these exhibits, but I may still find myself wandering around this exhibit in the next few weeks.

I went to a competing exhibit (Bodies: The Exhibition) while I was in New York City this past Spring, but it's run by a different exhibition company. While I was leery of going to something this lurid, I figured it could be really interesting and educational. I won't ever recommend for anyone to go to one of these shows, but I did find my experience to be very interesting. I won't say that I enjoyed it, but I am glad I went. There were definitely some disturbing parts of the show, but at the end of the exhibit I had the opportunity to hold a human heart and brain. The heart didn't bother me as much as holding the brain, for some reason. The preservation of the bodies and the various organs and body parts in different states of health was incredible to see.

Bodyworlds 3 appears to be much more sensationalist in its presentation of the bodies than the Bodies exhibit. I find that part to be disconcerting, but my curiosity ususally gets the best of me.

So, if you're interested, the opportunity to see this is now in St. Louis. I believe my sister, Jennifer, wants to come down and see it -- but being a nurse I suppose the macabre doesn't bother her (the same girl who wanted to practice her phlebotomy skills on me).

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