Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Guatemala 5000

As many of you know, my sister, Kristi, is adopting two babies from Guatemala. I went down there with her the first week of August to visit them for the first time, and you can see the updates from her blog (link also posted in the upper left in Favorites). The government in Guatemala is halting all international adoptions from non-Hague countries beginning January 1, 2008. The U.S. apparently will not be Hague compliant until later in the Spring (I think it may have to do with issues with the International Criminal Court).

Kristi has posted instructions on how to help. Hopefully, she will be able to get both of the kids out of PGN before the end of the year, however if there are any delays she could potentially lose either of them. Even once the U.S. becomes compliant, Guatemala will no longer be approving adoptions from single parents.

This affects 5,000 Guatemalan children and their adoptive families. The Joint Council on International Children’s Services is organizing a concentrated effort on October 9, 10, & 11 as stated here.

I'll probably post a reminder on the 9th. Thank you to all who help.

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