Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why somethin' good can hurt so bad

I saw this ominous cloud (which resembles Massachusetts) hanging over Forest Park a few months ago.

Then the Red Sox won the World Series, and now the Pats are robbing the NFL and '72 Dolphins with their cheating ways. I've never set foot in that town, but I'm now sick of Boston and hate their sports teams. I'm rooting for anyone to beat the Patriots. I don't care who (I was actually cheering for Ray Lewis last night?!), so long as they can humble Brady and Belichik (which I realize is a mighty feat).
I hope the Celtics and Bruins continue their losing ways.

1 comment:

UKNat said...

I NEVER thought I would cheer for the Ravens, but my girlfriends and I (that's right, three girls watching Monday night football) all screamed out loud when the Ravens were down on the three yard line. We all agreed that it felt like the Titans in the 2000 Superbowl.