Thursday, June 19, 2008

Grow me a beard just to see what the rednecks would do

I shaved last night, and the beard is gone (yea, Janell!). However, I did not get anywhere near as creative as this guy. Several people did not immediately recognize me at the office today, but someone did say, "nice face." I'm going to assume she wasn't being sarcastic.

Although, I think I now look like a 12-year old boy.


stmclaughlin said...

I would have given you $50 to go to work for a week with the Hulihee.....

Steve Simpson said...

Now you tell me! Next time, you're on. ('ve seen me do more for less).

Anonymous said...

again, love the quote. sorry we weren't able to see the beard first hand. Take it easy brother. Love you, Mike